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Hey. Welcome to the After Years page. Have you played the game and would like to share your feedback? Or maybe there's some issue at hand? Just, let me know.

I LOVE THE THING ABOUT PIEROGI, honestly didn't expect my culture being represented in this game lmao and I love that you wrote "pierogi" instead of "pierogies". Are you slavic or maybe even Polish? I recommend them the most with sauerkraut and mushrooms obv, but they are good with meat inside too. I don't really like sweet fillings that much, but many Polish people love it. Also what I noticed beside food is the anatomy of the characters! Angus looks lovely, it seems like you really know stuff or you're just a pro from the beginning, I just love the anatomy.

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Hey, Gaybriel!

Thank you for playing the game and for your kind words about the visual side - I'm happy to hear that you enjoy my artstyle. And yes, you guessed it, I am Polish.

Pozdrawiam :)

when's the next update 🙂

Hello. The next update will be available by the end of the month.

Oh thank you 👍

Deleted post

Thank for your feedback Mukjz - if I'll find a good plugin for it, I'll implement an additional info screen.

anyone else has this game just randomly freezing causing you to have to close and completely restart?

was fine the first two days.. but during day 3 it happens every 5 minutes

Hello. Sorry to hear about the problem. Could you tell me which platfom do you play on and what are specs of your device?

its all good >///< my computer just had to update and it was fucking with it apparently.. awkward~ was completely find after it updated, just forgot to delete this comment


well that was quick the new angus update was cliffhanger and what am I gotta do with this BONER


Gotta keep you guys hooked! ;) 

The next update is coming by the end of June, so stay tuned!


Kegar is a lion ???


That's how Welkin refers to him 8)


Loved the update! Will the next one be here by the end of June? This novel is fantastic!

I'm happy to hear it, thank you. Yes, the next update will be available by the end of June.

let me just turn on simping mode




so, Who else enjoyed all the Easter eggs in the new update? haha
I love the extra Kegar content >:3


I'm glad to hear it, Ace! Kegar will also appear in the first part of the next update, so make sure to not miss that one as well :)


oh, You can count on me to play every update! Haha




I think its almost update day!! can't wait!!


Hey Pluto! Just a few more days - I still have a few things to fix in the script, but I expect the game to be released by the end of this month, so please stay tuned ;)

when is the next public update?


The next public update should be available by the end of this month.



How do I open this on linux?

if you have Ubuntu or any other Debian distro, get wine:

Here's the link

It says it's for 18.04, but it still works

Oh okay, thanks

(5 edits)

Extract it, make the "Game" file executable, and run it.  Or just launch it from the client.

Not sure why so many archives are bundled without making the main game program file executable so you don't have to do that step, but some including this one don't.

MacOS version won't open for me, so if there's a fix being made, that's great. I'll use the Web Version in the meantime.

Thank you for letting me know about the problem. Which version of MacOS do you use, btw?

I'm using Big Sur. What it's doing is that it opens, but closes a few seconds later. 

I'm having the same issue, MacOS Big Sur as well

Is there an update to android yet?

Hello, Volcan! The Android version of the game is up to date for both public release (v.0.11.0) and Patreon release (v.0.12.0). The next public build should arrive by the end of May.

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Okay, thank you. keep up the good work, I would like to see more of your game. And I'll be also waiting for more Angus route 👍

Already attached to Rowley and Angus! Kegar is basically a friend I can spend time with, but not romantically. But I do like him!

Thank you for your excellent work!                                                                                              Greetings from México!

Hi GunvoltX! I'm very happy to hear that you like the characters. Thank you for playing the game and for your kind words - you brighten my day! :)

So when will we see more of big fluffy wolf boy 😁

Hey, Doglo! The new update (v.0.12.0) which features continuation of Angus's story, just got released over the Patreon. It should arrive for public by the end of May.

thanks slot imma try to get patron for a month soon so I can get it 😁🤦‍♂️

Thank you, I very much appreciate your support!

When will the update be around?

Hello! The new update (v.0.12.0) just got released over the Patreon. As for the next public build, this one should arrive by the end of May.

The game runs kinda slow on my PC

Hello. Try enabling 'Synch Monitor FPS' option in the game menu - it should help.

This won't open on my Mac :( (Catalina)

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Hello. If you're experiencing problems with the MacOS version of the game, please try out the Web-Browser Version :)

Hello. There is an issue, where if you keep your game files as hidden, and try to change a setting, it throws an error. So I decided to leave the files as not-hidden, and now it is fine.

Hi! Thank you for letting me know about the problem - I'll keep that in mind in the future troubleshooting.


does anybody know how to turn on the narrator????

Hey Jake, thanks for playing the game. Unfortunatelly, the game (or rather the engine I'm using) doesn't support such feature. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Ahhhh~, I hope we for more wholesome content in the future, I love this new update- no wait- I love the whole GAME! XD

Awesome work Tyrving! I really loved this one...Now onwards to Angus! >:3c


Thanks Ace! I'm glad you enjoyed it ;D I'll try to keep this wholesomeness in Angus's route as well.

The Lords have blessed us yet again with an update 😩👌💦

I just finished playing rowley update I loved it but I wanted more you left me on a hot cliffhanger 

Haha, honestly, there's never a good moment to end the demo - I too wanted to continue writing more parts, but at some point you just have to say stop and make the release ;) The scene in the sauna is complete though - the characters will continue the important talk in the next demo, but at some later point of the day.

Thank you for playing the game!

I love this game a lot what's the update schedule so I dont miss an update

I'm happy to hear it! I don't have a fixed update schedlue at the moment, but I usually update the game in a span of one month and a half.

Is there any one point where you make a decision that sets in stone which character you will pursue romantically?  And if so when does that occur?

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Yes, the game currently just passed the point where you can choose which character you will pursue

Could you please give me a day number for when that occurs so I can be sure to save in advance?  

day 3


Just as TheFoxyKing mention, it's on Day3, shortly after returning with Rowley from the morning run. Don't worry about making saves though - you can immediately jump to the beginning of each character's route, from the main menu (just select "Continue from a specific point in the story" option).


I can't wait for the next update 😍😍😍


Hey, DagenHeart! The next update is coming... tomorrow (27th March), so stay tuned! :)


love . this . good.

I'm happy to hear it! :)

This is really cool so far, can't wait until there is another Angus update

Thank you for playing the game! The next update will continue Rowley's story, but after that we're going to see more of Angus again.

will you be able to romance angus and rowley? like make it as a choice for the main character

Yes. Angus, Rowley and Kegar are all dateable characters (there's a dialogue choice on Day 3 where you pick which character you want to pursuit).

cant wait for the new update, the story is quite interesting if i say so myself

Thank you for playing the game, Nic. I'm happy to hear that you like the story! :)

When is the new update i realy loved it

Rowley's next update is coming in the second half of March (depends on my progress on the next update it might be a bit sooner or later).

Ok ill look forward to it i hope it will be the good one that his friend (lion) find out that the main character had a crush on rowley...

Anyway keep up the good work and can i be your friend?

but its ok when you dont like to be my friend but if you like i want to assist you to make this story if you like and thats all nice meeting you 🙂😬

Hello again. Thank you for the offer of help, but I'm good working solo on my project. It's nice to meet you as well!

i really ship welks and angus so hard xD

How long is each story and when will there be an update to rowley storyline


Rowley's next update is coming in the second half of March (depends on my progress on the next update it might be a bit sooner or later). As for the overall story length, it's hard to tell yet, but it supposed to be 7 in-game days + an epilogue.

I've been playing on Angus route trying to buy time til the next rowley day is up when does it come out 

Hello again! I hope you liked Angus's story. The next update for Rowley is coming tomorrow (27th March).

thank you for letting me know I love your game so much 

This is probably gonna sound very stupid, but how do you get out of the settings screen? On pc.

It's either Escape key, Backspace key, or Right mouse button.

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Its just shows an error screen, maybe i need to download this again

Can you show me the error message? Also, are you on PC or Mac? In any case, please try out the Web-Browser version of the game instead, it should work flawless: (I highly recommend running the game in Chrome or Firefox - the former should work the best in terms of the overall performance.)

When is the new update coming out for

Definitely in March, but I can't say exactly when for now - that will depend on my progress on the next update ;)



Nudity, dirty talk and innuendos, but nothing too spicy (yet).

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hehehe, My save files got lost but its not a problem for me because I get to see them all again` XD

Hey Ace! It's normal for the game to not transfer save files in the desktop builds between the versions. You can easily jump into the new content or any route by selecting a specific options after starting a New Game - and don't worry, you won't miss anything important from doing that.

yep, thank you! 😊


Is the creator in a diffrent timezone than me ? Its feb 3 rd its still not out or is there a promblem?


I'm GMT+1, but I often start working on the project late afternoon. And yeah, there was unfortunately a small problem - I didn't properly set up the game and I had to recompile and reupload all of the 4 builds. Nevertheless, the new update is already here, so please enjoy the game!

Still waiting cant waitxD

Hey, Freddy!The game just got updated! Please enjoy~! :D

Amazing game and I just want to know how can I download the new builds in a way that the other progress will be saved?

Hello and thank you for playing the game.

As for the progression reset between the updates, it is a problem with the engine:

Long story short, technically, you could just manually copy save files from update A to update B, but this surely will result in some weird/ unexpected glitches.

The main problem here is that the engine doesn't recognize any changes made into the scene between the two different versions of the game. Basically, all the settings of the currently playing scene (when the character portraits are shown, how the text is displayed, when the scene ends) are all tied to the save file. So, for example: If you save the game in the last scene of build A, which ends at the line XYZ, then if you reload this save file in build B (which should continue this scene after line XYZ), the game will still end up at line XYZ. I know, it sucks.

That's why I programmed the "Continue from specific a point in the game" option, which can be found after selecting "New Game" from the main menu. From there, you can easily jump back to the most important story points and continue from there.

 ok thanks

I LOVE this game i am just so sad tho when i find a good game they don't have the ending. I hope in the next update be for rowley definatly a 10/10 game.

Hey Galaxy. I'm glad to hear  you enjoy After Years! And yes, the next two public updates are dedicated to Rowley, so stay tuned!

Do you have any ides when you will be releasing a new update?

Yes, the next public update should arrive Feb.3rd, while the next Patreon update should be released around Feb.7th.


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